
The Center’s underlying technologies integrate advances in wireless optical communications, edge-cloud computing, situational awareness, and privacy and security, while balancing public sphere data collection requirements with community-defined benefits.

With its extensive network of partners, CS3 delivers innovations across five engineering and scientific areas:


Connectivity & Wi-Edge

Current Research Projects:

  1. Foundations of mmWave Wireless
  2. Cognitive Wireless and Full Duplex Communication
  3. Edge-Cloud Integration and Management
  4. Joint Communication and Sensing


Situational Awareness

Current Research Projects:

  1. Data and Systems Support for Scene and Activity Understanding
  2. Scene and Activity Understanding
  3. Trajectory Analysis and Prediction
  4. Multi-Modal Integration


Privacy, Security & Fairness

Current Research Projects:

  1. Analysis of Emerging Smart Streetscape Threats
  2. Mitigation of Emerging Smart Streetscape Threats
  3. Community Legibility of Threats and Guarantees


Public Interest Technology

Current Research Projects:

  1. Needs Assessment and Priority Mapping through Participatory Research
  2. Analysis of Community Tradeoffs
  3. Community Co-Production and Co-Design


Streetscape Applications

Current Research Projects:

  1. Human-Computer Interaction Design for Smart Streetscapes
  2. Streetscape Application Stack and Runtime Design
  3. Smart Streetscape Operating System or Hypervisor Design

Recent Publications

Connectivity & Wi-Edge

Adhikari, Abhishek, et al. “28 GHz Phased Array Interference Measurements and Modeling for a NOAA Microwave Radiometer in Manhattan.” Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, ACM, 2024, pp. 1695–97,
Nouri, Hatef, et al. “Dynamic Interference Avoidance in the Joint Space-Time Domain with Arbitrary Antenna Formations.” 2024 19th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 2024, pp. 1–6,
Garikapati, Sasank, et al. “Full-Duplex Receiver With Wideband, High-Power RF Self-Interference Cancellation Based on Capacitor Stacking in Switched-Capacitor Delay Lines.” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 59, no. 7, July 2024, pp. 2105–20,

Situational Awareness

Chang, Che-Jui, et al. Learning from Synthetic Human Group Activities. 2024, pp. 21922–32,
Dave, Ishan Rajendrakumar, et al. “Finepseudo: Improving Pseudo-Labelling through Temporal-Alignablity for Semi-Supervised Fine-Grained Action Recognition.” ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:2409.01448, 2024,
Mohammadi, Sevin, and Andrew W. Smyth. “NLP-Enabled Trajectory Map-Matching in Urban Road Networks Using Transformer Sequence-to-Sequence Model.” ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:2404.12460, 2024,

Privacy, Security & Fairness

Tholoniat, Pierre, et al. “Cookie Monster: Efficient On-Device Budgeting for Differentially-Private Ad-Measurement Systems.” Proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 30th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, ACM, 2024, pp. 693–708,
Hao, Luoyao, and Henning Schulzrinne. “Poster: Identity-Independent IoT for Overarching Policy Enforcement.” 2024 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 2024, pp. 296–296,
Ou, Tingting, et al. Thompson Sampling Itself Is Differentially Private. PMLR, 2024, pp. 1576–84,

Public Interest Technology

WALTER, HEDAYA, et al. Enhancing Urban Data Analysis through Large Language Models: A Case Study with NYC 311 Service Requests. 2024,

Streetscape Applications

Moshfeghi, Sonia, and Jinwoo Jang. Pattern Mining of Older Drivers’ Driving Behavior Through Telematics-Data-Driven Unsupervised Learning. 12 Dec. 2024,
Nie, Jingping, et al. “Real-Time Non-Contact Estimation of Running Metrics on Treadmills Using Smartphones.” Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, ACM, 2024, pp. 1644–46,
Liu, Yanchen, et al. “SPECTRA: A Drone-Based Multispectral Sensing Platform for Complex Environment Perception.” Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, ACM, 2024, pp. 1742–44,