Jessica Elliott

Jessica Elliott (she, hers) is a licensed architect and Associate at Hart Howerton with WELL and SEED accreditation. Jessica is a first-generation college graduate, graduating from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Design with a major in Architecture Summa Cum Laude and from Yale University with a Masters in Architecture. She is the Vice Chair of Manhattan Community Board 11 in East Harlem, serving on the Land Use, Landmarks and Planning and Executive committees and as Chair of the District Needs & Budget committee. She volunteers as Co-Chair of the Urban Land Institute New York’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee and as a former Chair of the UrbanPlan Steering Committee. She additionally serves on the ULI NY Advisory Board, the ULI NY Management Committee, and the International WELL Building Institute’s WELL City Advisory. Jessica is a Culture of Health Leader through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and is passionate about equity and health in the built environment.

CB 11 East Harlem & Health Equity in the Built Environment